Thursday, February 23, 2012


As of this writing, the following are planned for the series:

Book 1: Humanity

The life of a young man, plagued with impossible thoughts, almost to the point of delusion. He begins breaking his image of reality, and is either slipping from sanity or rediscovering lost powers. This book covers the nature of those powers, and creates a philosophic background for the series.

Book 2: Existence

His journey through his powers, and understanding the nature of the universe. Resolving to bring together a force of avatars (Chosen forces of the universes) to reform reality.

Book 3: Godhood

The great war between the universes for dominance, beyond the control of him or the avatars. The final decision, whether or not to destroy all things, and undo reality itself. 

Side 1: Creation
Happening shortly into the events of book 1, his attempts to create a new world and the things he learns from them.

Side 2: Music
His first dive into abstract existence. He arrives in a universe composed of sound, containing worlds and sentient beings made of music.

Side 3: Reality Check
He enters a world almost identical to his original. If one is interpreting the character as a lunatic, events make just as much sense as they do if he's interpreted as a God. 

Side 4: Higher Powers
He begins to question whether he is the be-all and end-all of existence, or simply on a higher rung of a much longer latter.

Side 5: The Protected World
He enters a world protected against intrusion. It has no avatar, and is devoid of life.

He enters a world free of taint, protected from intrusion, and must decide whether or not to return to the omniverse. 

Side 7: The Wandering God
A continuation of A Humans Tale in the Doctor Who universe, where he must constantly struggle to not use his powers for the better good because of the cost of doing so.

Opera 1: The Colors of Darkest Night
Having seen the darkness of his potential, he takes a step back, and decides to begin experimenting with art. He enlists the help of the Phantom of The Opera, and brings forth a production of monumental proportions

Concerto 1: A World of Music
Further experimenting with the arts, he returns to the world of sound in order to write a symphony based on what he has heard. Will consist of a book a selection of compositions.

The first side story.

A humans Tale

While I haven't written the books, I really need the inspiration to do it. To that end, I've begun a side story in the My Little Pony universe. Don't ask me why I started there, the story just came to me. This story occurs after a few universal trips, and I will do the previous and post universe story lines next, as I've already figured them out fairly well.
Of Wings Imagined is a trilogy that has been brewing in the back of my mind for the past ten years. It centers around a young man who is either making his ascent into near Godhood or descent into madness. The first book will fully cover this duality, and near the end, the character will release his grip on the world, resulting in either a psychotic break or a complete assertion of power. The following books will be written under the assumption that everything that happens is either real or the living dream delusions of a madman.
Beyond the trilogy, I have planned a series of short stories, poems, maybe an opera and a even possibly a concerto. Some will be posted as fan fic on assorted sites with links back to here, some will be hosted here, and others may spring up in random places.
This blog is being created to allow me to post stories, organize the fics, and update progress on writing the trilogy (which has only just begun), as well as answer any pressing questions, as I know the books will raise many.

To any future readers, I hope you enjoy these works, and know that I appreciate your taking the time to read them.

With that said, let it begin!